Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moms Morning Out: a trip to the Zoo

A few Moms and kids enjoyed the beautiful weather at the Zoo yesterday! The next gathering will be at Belleview Park on Tuesday, June 15 at 11am. Bring a lunch and we will have a picnic. Train rides and children's farm are each $1/child. Everyone is welcome! For future play dates and additional information, please contact Melissa at

Monday, May 24, 2010

Garden Workday

On Saturday, we had a garden workday and made lots of progress - even with the strong winds! Thanks to everyone who helped install the irrigation, assemble the beds and plant seeds/vegetables.

Monday, May 17, 2010

ELC Planting Day!

Each Early Learning Center class planted flowers today!
Miss Lori explains the flowers:

The children loved to dig:

How tall will a sunflower grow?

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First Seed Planting at Columbine Community Garden

Many gathered for our first seed planting! Thrivent handed over a "large" $5000 check, Chris from Bethesda and Pastor Greg opened the garden with a ribbon cutting, adults and children planted our first three beds, and everyone enjoyed a lunch sponsored by: HoneyBaked Hams, AppleBee's, Tony's Markets, Olive Garden, Village Inn and Dairy Queen.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

Hosanna held a Supper Club last night. We had lots of fun!

It was a photo finish for the winners of the first contest. Here are the final 2 teams drinking worms!

There was lots of great food and fellowship:

We played Loteria (Mexican bingo):

The kids enjoyed breaking a pinata: