Sunday, April 18, 2010


Adopt-a-Garden-Bed: Beds will be available for purchase May 2 and May 9. For $25, you will receive a sign with your name displayed on the bed, mention in the June Hosanna Herald and an adopt-a-bed certificate.
Remember: Thrivent is donating $1 for every $2 raised!

Can't afford to donate money? Here are other ways to support our garden:

Garden volunteers are needed for one week shifts this Summer. See the sign-up sheet in the Narthex. No experience necessary!

Attend the Seed Planting Event held on Sunday, May 9 at 9am. Then, following the late service, enjoy a free lunch, door prizes (including a $160 spa gift certificate) and gardening fun!

Columbine Community Garden - Grow With Us
Hosanna Lutheran Church, Bethesda Lutheran Communities, Hosanna Early Learning Center and Boy Scouts of America started a sustainable garden! This garden is 40' x 60' and contains twenty-five raised beds filled with vegetables and flowers. This fall, we will invite the community to our Harvest Festival with additional food output given to volunteers, Bethesda and Love INC.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Groundbreaking for Columbine Community Garden

Groundbreaking Ceremony Program of Events:
Greetings & Special Introductions
Thanks to our Sponsors
Prayer led by Pastor Greg
Speech by Chris Ramsel at Bethesda
Shovel Dirt and Photos
Conclusion of Ceremony
Lunch Served and Garden Work Begins

A special thank you to these sponsors: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, The Home Depot Foundation, American Furniture Warehouse, CJ & J Sprinkler and Pond Supply, JLH Creative, D.P.B. Design & Planning, FirstBank, Hop's Restaurant & Brewery, HoneyBaked Ham, McDonalds, Chili's, Village Inn, King Soopers, Nicolo’s Pizza, Albertsons and Dairy Queen. A special thanks to West Metro Fire Rescue!

I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
~ John 15:1

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Columbine Community Garden - Online Donations Accepted

Please support this wonderful community project! Online donations with credit cards are accepted via PayPal, a secure website.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

The community gathered for worship during Hosanna's three services and many stayed for a free breakfast and fellowship.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Help us receive $25,000 from Pepsi

Great news! Our Columbine Community Garden is one of 1143 ideas eligible for a Pepsi Refresh Grant in April! So...VOTE EVERY DAY until April 30 and tell your friends, neighbors and co-workers!

Each month, Pepsi will award up to $1.3 million in grants (two $250,000, ten $50,000, ten $25,000 and ten $5,000 grants) and the public decides who wins. Pepsi Refresh Project allows individuals and organizations to submit beneficial, achievable, constructive and "shovel-ready" ideas that would make a positive impact on communities.