Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Columbine Community Garden Update

The results are in! Here is the "chosen" logo:

Also, invite your friends and family to our groundbreaking and seed planting events (click to enlarge):

Grow With Us!

Hosanna Lutheran Church, in collaboration with Bethesda Lutheran Communities, Hosanna Early Learning Center and Boy Scouts, is planning a sustainable community garden.

Groundbreaking: Saturday, April 17, 10am
First Seed Planting: Sunday, May 9, 9am
Free admission
There will be free food, games, door prizes, and gardening fun!

This park-like setting will be located on the empty adjacent lot near Kipling and Belleview, and will be a place where people can enjoy fellowship, interact with people from various backgrounds, learn about sustainable gardening practices, develop pride in their community, play with children, engage in rewarding physical activity and provide food for the community’s homeless and disadvantaged.

A special thank you to these sponsors: Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, The Home Depot Foundation, CJ & J Sprinkler and Pond Supply, JLH Creative, DPB Landscape Design, FirstBank, Hop's Restaurant & Brewery, Chili's, HoneyBaked Ham, Village Inn, King Soopers, Nicolo’s Pizza and Dairy Queen.

Lots of work is involved for this BIG project to succeed! To donate or volunteer, contact Pastor Greg at 303-973-1706.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hosanna Youth Chime Choir

Easter Egg Hunt

The snow was still lingering outside, but the kids had a blast finding lots of eggs inside the church. Two lucky children found golden eggs and received a special easter basket!

Updated Bulletin Boards

Be sure to check out the new bulletin boards in the narthex!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hobby Day @ Hosanna

Many women gathered together for a fun day to work on their hobbies, including sewing, knitting and scrapbooking. We also had demonstrations for Stampin' Up and Yoga!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Dr. Seuss Birthday Party

Everyone had a blast at Hosanna's Dr. Seuss Birthday Party!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hosanna's Council and Elders

Pastor Eckelkamp leads a discussion with some members of Hosanna's Council and Elders.

Hosanna's family of Elders has increased. Members include:
Dave Hahn
Bob Hille
Perry Johnson
Eric Linneman
Angela Riemer
Roger Schlichting
Phil Scott
Dan Strietelmeier
Mark Weber

Thank you!

Save the Date: Vacation Bible School 2010

Attend Hosanna's VBS scheduled June 21-25! It will be a rainforest theme...more details to come.

Soup Suppers

Will Bradshaw and Boy Scout Troop #47 sponsored a great meal and Pastor Eckelkamp continued the "No Wonder They Crucified Him." series for Lent.
Don't forget to attend the weekly Lent services and Soup Suppers on Wednesday at 6pm through 3/24!